BandaAncha Web Site Debugging Information
I hope it´s not an error but while I was navigation on
bandaancha web site , I detected just debugging information at the top of the page related to MySql String Connection. It consists on publishing user and password to establish connectivity with database server. Today, it´s fool´s day in Spain so thats why I suppose to be a funny thing.
This is what I saw there,
$mysql_user = 'banda_ancha';
$mysql_pass = 'etNeConi'; $mysql_host = ''
Encarta Hotmail Contact
Just a amazing tool to get instant answers to anything you wish to ask. Add "" as a contact to your friend list in Hotmail Messaging Service and you´ll be able to ask her any questions. Extended functionality is achived only by Hotmail. Below is what I received after testing under Gaim client.
Could you post behaviour in other messaging clients?
(12:37:32) David Nevado: Leonardo da Vinci?
(12:37:32) Encarta® Instant Answers: Da Vinci was a famous Florentine painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and scientist during the Renaissance.
8-|: Leonardo established modern techniques of scientific illustration with highly accurate renderings such as Embryo in the Womb (1510?).
Noxtrum, the new beta search tool from
TPI, pretends to get popular and take web search services to spanish and portuguese communities and users. However, what it really impressed to me most was the free sms service, which lets you send messages to anyone totally free of charge. Just use it few times (5) and you´ll be entitled to test the messaging service